Friday, June 26, 2009

Ticket to Poland, Gardening, and Face Painting Party! :D

(I decided to post this now and I will add the pictures as I go, so you may have to come back to read this post later to see the pictures)

Also, I am creating a list or a panel or something on the side with the links to all my facebook albums so you can see the pictures more easily... From now on, I will only post a few pics on my actual blog entries, just for the sake of time, so PLEASE do look for the side panel with my links! Also, I know some of the pictures are just repeats of the same thing, but bear with me haha. I really don't have time to sort through them all, so feel free to just browse. So now on to the post...

On a previous post, when I talked about our meeting with Irena on Monday, I forgot to mention that Orest took me to buy my ticket to Poland. On the way, we came across one of his friends and we talked to her for a while. We also stopped at his job and I got to see his office. Pretty cool! Then, I also had the chance to taste this drink called Saka or something like that, and it is basically something like non-alcoholic beer. It literally tastes like you are drinking bread! It is sooooo weird!! My senses felt all screwed up. I felt like I was supposed to be chewing, hahaha. It was good that I tried it, but I don't think I'll even buy it again :P

When we got to the station, we learned that the bus for Poland (yes, I said bus) was leaving on Thursday at 5:00pm, wich was perfect. I bought it and I must admit that I was pretty excited!! On the way home, Orest took me to see his old church, which was really big. I liked it. We crossed the train tracks and got home... Then Tuesday happened, and now we are back to the proper chronological order...

The same week as Gayle's first visit, some of the Saskatchewan people came for a visit at the Internat, which was wonderful. Then, Jessica, Jen and I went to the grocery store to buy a few items for our first theme day, which was on Thursday. Jen suggested we had an animal day, which was an awesome idea. She had some butterfly crafts and some animal puppets with her and Jessica suggested that we bought animal crackers. Then, I thought it would be a fun idea to also buy makeup and paint the girls' faces with pictures of animals, or giving them whiskers and the like. You know, the way they do it at carnivals and festivals. So I bought a bunch of eyeliners and an awesome kit of eye shadows and lip glosses, and the next morning we set out to have Animal Day!

I was a bit tired, as always, because I had just finished my midterm for one of my courses, but I was excited for our theme day. The day began with the usual session of girls swarming at us, and in particular, swarming towards my camera. At this point, I have taught them how to use it and let them take turns to take pictures, which has allowed me to be in some of them! Hahaha. This makes Jessica a little nervous, since she would not like them to use her camera like that (note that I am always a bit weary that they are going to drop it, hahaha, which is a likely possibility). I love letting them play with mine though, since it gives them so much joy. Sometimes too much joy though! I have to be a good moderator, otherwise they start fighting for it, hahaha! So anyway, I went in with Jessica into a room where a lot of the 7 to 9 year olds hang out. There, they have a bunch of little stuffed animals, so with that and the animal puppets Jen brought, Animal Theme Day began! It was a fun little while.

However, we noticed that a lot of the older girls (i.e. the pre-teens and early teens) were not inside. We all went outside and Jen and Jessica stayed in the coutyard with the girls with had been playing with. I, for my part, noticed that the older girls were in the back cabagge field, helping some of the staff with the weeding. I decided to go and help them out. They loved that! And so did I! I love working in the garden with them. It is exhausting since we have no tools except for a few sickles which the staff use, so we have to work with our bare hands. However, I love getting dirty and feeling like I am doing something productive. I originally thought we would be out there for like an hour, but it turned out to be only half of that, and after a few pictures and going inside to get cleaned, I called the girls to the payground to start the face painting. And THAT is where it all began...

Man! It was AWESOME!! The girls LOVED IT!! I started drawing all sorts of animals and pictures on their faces, one at a time, with black eyeliner. Jen did the same, and Jessica was in charge of colouring in. We had a pretty good system! Chain production hahaha. There were a LOT of girls, so that was a looooong session of face painting, which soon enough also became arm painting too! Jen and Jessica did a few designs on the girls' arms, and they were pretty cool. That took pretty much the rest of the afternoon.

(I stole these two pics from Jess, since I didn't really take any pics DURING the face painting.. I hope you don't mind, Jess!)

After such a busy day, I went home, got something to eat, finished packing a bit, and off I went with Krystina to catch my bus! That story is for the next post however... :) Miss you all, love you all. God bless.
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