Friday, May 29, 2009

Jen and Jess

Jen and Jess are the two other Canadian girls who are here in Ternopil, and with whom I will be working. They came here through the Beyond Boarders program, though, not through Students for Development. Each of them has their own host family, but they live a little bit further than I (though I am not exactly sure where).

They are both awesome girls, although very different from one another. Jen is a very lively girl with a sharp sense of humour and lots of energy. She is lots of fun. Jess, on the other hand, is a very sweet girl with a big smile and a more gentle temper. I think her personality is a bit more like mine. They complement each other and they both seem very committed to this cause. I hope the three of us can make a good team and get lots of good things done in this place. I am sure we will!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Jen and Jess went on this trip with you, it must make things a lot easier having people from Canada there with you. They both seem like great girls :D
