Friday, May 29, 2009

Plans for the weekend and Monday

As I mentioned before, all of this week I have been working on school work and on memorizing some Ukrainian words, as well as the Cyrillic alphabet. The weekend, however, is going to be busy!

Fist of, there’s church of Sunday, of course. But that means that if I am going to go to the Ukrainian Catholic church with Orest’s family, I am going to have to go to the Roman Catholic Church first on Saturday to ask for a dispensation. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier! Regardless, I still think I will be attending a Roman Catholic Mass, and just accompanying the Muriy’s to their Mass once in a while. I am also going to try to meet with the Ukrainian Catholic bishop and with a priest here, since I have a letter for each of them from Myroslaw Tataryn, the dean of St. Jerome’s, asking them if they could provide me with assistance for my project at the orphanage.

Also on Saturday Orest and I are going to go look for a phone and a router for the Internet. And I also have to go to the bank to get money out to pay my host family, as well as Jen, Jess and Orest for their trip to Lviv to pick me up.

Aside from that, I may be hanging out with Jess, but I am not exactly sure what the plan is yet. I will have to call her today to figure that out. Jen is doing something else with a bunch of other students from Saskatchewan who are studying here as well, although not on a service project like us.

On Monday I am finally going to go to the ‘internat’ or orphanage for the first time. Jen and Jess will be going with me as well, so that will be great!! I am really excited and I can’t wait! Please pray for me so that everything goes smoothly and so that I am able to make a good assessment of what needs to be done in my project, without stepping on anybody’s shoes, if you know what I mean.

Now, if you have read everything I have written from the very beginning and you have gotten to this point, you are a super hero!! Either that or you have impressive speed-reading skills! Hahaha. From now on, however, I might not be able to write as much, as often, since I will be a lot busier starting tomorrow. I will still try to do my best to keep you up to date, however, and I hope I can figure out how to load pictures onto this thing!

Thanks for taking the time to read all my ramblings. I hope you find this interesting, and I encourage you to leave me messages. Miss you all, love you all, and I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. cool! I look foward to more Ukranian Catholic info & media - I haven't seen many pictures or been inside of many Ukranian Catholic churches.

    and lol about the dispensation - you seem to have everything figured out

  2. So, I'm a hero because I've read every word you've written? I've been clinging to each word with great interest and admiration, Miriam. How wonderful to be able to share this adventure through your blogg. I'd suggest not to miss knowing more about their church. My experience with Mormons in USA was great.
    Big hugs from Sweden!

  3. Thanks aunt Belinda! I will be emailing you soon with my plans to come visit you! :D

  4. Wow a dispensation? Lol. That confuses me a bit though - Ukrainian Catholic is still Catholic, right? It's in alliance with the Pope?

    I have read everything from the beginning up to this point... so I guess I am a superhero! Can I be Captain Catholic? :P I certainly don't have speed reading skills... it took me about an hour to read up to this point lol I have impressive lack-of-speed reading skills.
