Friday, May 29, 2009

My Body Hates Me, Haha

You'd think that after so many days my body would be used to the time difference, but for some reason today I was so tired that I fell asleep for a big chunk of the eveningwhile I was "Studying" Hahaha. I had a nightmare and now I am as awake as a farm rooster on a Monday morning!

I saw this picture and I just laughed... This is DEFINITELY what my guardian angel must be thinking, hahahahaha!


  1. Honey, be good to your guardian angel. I am glad you are having a good time. I am sure it will all be a wornderful experience.
    With my love and my blessing,


  2. Hehe Miri that comic is so cute!

    Amazing how important sleep is... I hope your body adapts soon :o)

  3. LOL that comic is hilarious! Sorry about the nightmare :( "Awake as a farm rooster on a Monday morning?" Lol you're ridiculous.

    And I agree with your Mom - make sure you treat your Guardian Angel well!
